How much does solar cost with SolarIQ?

There is no out-of-pocket expense to you to get solar on your home or business. If you can afford your current utility bill then you can absolutely afford to switch to solar. You pay nothing upfront and enjoy decarxs of lower power rates while protecting yourself against rising utility rates at the same time!

What if I sell my home?

Studies find that homes with solar sell faster and for more money. Why? Solar adds value by cutting expenses. It’s cheaper to live in a solar home and that’s a big bonus for home shoppers.

Will I still receive a utility bill?

Yes, you will still receive a utility bill each month. Each utility company is different, but there is typically a small monthly fee to connect to the grid. Additional fees are dependent on your energy consumption and on the amount of energy, the system will produce. If a solar system generates more electricity than the homeowner consumes, utilities may offer credits or payouts for the excess energy produced.

Would my monthly bill fluctuate?

If your electrical usage increases, it is likely that your utility bill will as well. Remember that we build your system to match your energy needs based on your previous usage patterns.

What about federal and state tax credits?

The federal tax credit can effectively reduce the total cost of your solar system. Homeowners can deduct a large percent of the system cost from their federal tax liability. This tax credit applies to both residential and commercial systems and gets smaller each year so it’s more affordable to purchase a system this year vs. next.

How long does a free consultation take?

A free consultation will take 45-60 minutes. We will be measuring your roof, analyzing electrical usage patterns…etc. After the appointment we will be able to provide a quote showing what your savings will be by moving to solar.

Is there a warranty?

The panels that we provide come with a 25 year warranty to provide you with peace of mind that your investment will provide you with the return you are looking for.


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